English news

Armed Forces Confront Terrorists in Homs, Hama and Damascus Countrysidei


Damascusburatha news

An Armed Forces unit on Monday carried out an operation in al-Rastan in Homs countryside, destroying a number of terrorist hideouts along with the equipment inside them.

SANA's correspondent quoted a source in the province as saying that the operation resulted in the death of a number of terrorists and the injuring of others.


The Army Continues its national Duty in Damascus Countryside

Units of the armed forces today continued their pursuit of the armed terrorist groups in Damascus countryside, killing a number of terrorists and destroying their criminal tools in Doma farms, Sbeineh, al-Husseiniya and Daryaa.

An official source told SANA reporter that a unit of the army eliminated members of an armed group in al-Shefouniya, Doma. Among the terrorists killed were Taha Anis, Yasser Na'asan, Alaa al-Din Hawa, Haitham al-Najar, Ahmad al-Hanash, Ammar Khbeia and Khaled al-Nisrin.

The source added that the army clashed with an armed group near al-Zaitoun circle in Darya, killing a number of terrorists, among them terrorist known as "Zaid", leader of an armed group.

Another army unit pursued an armed group on al-Qaddam-Sbeineh road, destroying three cars which was transporting terrorists and carrying weapons.

In al-Husseiniya, A unit of the army destroyed two mortars at al-Zaizafoun Café, killing and injuring a number of terrorists.


Terrorists Killed, Dens Destroyed in Yabroud

Army units repelled an armed terrorist group that attempted to attack a military checkpoint on Yabroud bridge in Damascus Countryside, inflicting heavy losses upon the terrorists.

A military source told SANA that a terrorists' car was destroyed with all the terrorists inside.

It added that another army unit destroyed in two operations terrorists' dens along with all terrorists, weapons and ammunition inside to the north of Yabroud and near a roundabout inside the city.


Armed Forces Kill Terrorists in Aleppo, Confiscate their Weapons

A unit of the armed forces carried out a qualitative operation against a terrorist group's den in Kfarnaha in Aleppo countryside.

An official source told SANA that numbers of terrorists were killed and others injured in the operation. A DShK-equipped car was also destroyed.

The source added that another unit killed and injured a number of terrorists in al-Layramoun in Aleppo city and seized an armored vehicle with 12 anti-tank missiles inside.

Terrorists Killed in Car Explosion in Aleppo

22 terrorists were killed and several others injured when a car that a terrorist group was booby-trapping with IEDs exploded in Bustan al-Qasr area in Aleppo city, an official source told SANA.

Armed Forces Inflict Heavy Losses upon Terrorists in Aleppo

Units of the Armed Forces continued pursuing armed terrorist groups in Aleppo city and its countryside as they inflicted heavy losses upon the terrorists and destroyed a number of their vehicles.

An official source told SANA reporter that a number of terrorist sites were destroyed in Rasm al-Abboud, Minnigh, al-Dweirineh and Hritan areas.

The source added that many terrorists were eliminated and their dens were destroyed in al-Artiq, Hayan and al-Zerbeh areas.

In Aleppo city, a unit of the Armed Forces destroyed terrorist sites and weapons cache in Karm Miser, the old city of Aleppo, Baidin and al-Nakarin areas.

Armed Forces Eliminate Terrorists, Confiscate Homemade Rockets in Hama

An Armed Forces unit confronted terrorist groups which had been attacking locals in the town of al-Latamneh in Hama countryside.

A military source told SANA that the unit responded to the appeals of townsfolk, eliminating a number of terrorists and injuring others.

The source added that another unit clashed with a terrorist group which attacked the village of Ma'an in Souran area, killing and injuring many terrorists.

A third unit also repelled a terrorist group which attempted to attack a checkpoint in al-Aziziye, killing and injuring most of the terrorists.

Earlier on Sunday night, An Armed Forces unit clashed with a terrorist group in the village of Abu Obaidah in Mhaarde countryside, Hama province.

The clash resulted in the elimination of a number of terrorists, the injuring of others, and the confiscation of 3 homemade rockets and a platform for launching them, in addition to 500 narcotic pills.


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