English news

Coalition delegation of so-called "opposition" rejects statement by Syrian official delegation which rejects arming terrorist organizations in Syria

The Syrian Arab Republic delegation submitted a proposal for a statement condemning the US decision to continue arming terrorist groups in Syria and demanding that it and other countries which arm terrorist refrain immediately from this irresponsible behavior which could undermine the Geneva 2 conference and foil efforts to ensure its success, but the coalition delegation of the so-called "opposition" rejected this proposal.

The proposal, submitted during Tuesday session, states that at the time when Geneva 2 was convened in response to the Russian-American initiative, which was based on Geneva 1 which stresses in its first item the need to stop violence and terrorism, the world is surprised to find one of the initiators of the conference, namely, the United States of America, and in a step that moves in the opposite direction to all political efforts exerted, and in contradiction to Geneva 1 in letter and spirit, the United States has made the decision to resume arming terrorist groups in Syria.

The statement said that such a provocative decision is a flagrant violation of the Security Council resolution no. 1371, as everyone is sure of the arrival of American arms to terrorist groups cited as terrorists on the list of Security Council for individuals and entities sponsoring terrorism, such as ISIL, Al Nusra Front and the Islamic Front.

The statement noted that the timing of this decision is truly surprising, as it reflects negatively on Geneva 2 conference.

The statement said that this decision can only be understood as a direct attempt to obstruct any political solution in Syria through dialogue, and is in complete contradiction with the commitments of the United States according to paragraph 1 of the first Geneva communiqué, on the basis of which Geneva 2 was convened, and under the umbrella of which they are meeting.

Sources close to the Syrian official delegation stated that the refusal of the coalition delegation of the so-called "opposition" to this statement proves that this delegation isn't serious, rejects any suggestion for supporting the articles of the Geneva conference, and doesn't want a political solution

The Syrian official delegation said that it based this proposed statement on the first paragraph of the first Geneva communiqué and is prompted by care for the success of Geneva 2 and in an attempt to find a suitable atmosphere for making progress in its issues.

The sources described the US decision to provide military support for gunmen on the ground in Syria as backtracking from the political solution and support for violence and terroris.

It should be noted that on Monday, the coalition delegation of the so-called "opposition" rejected a communiqué submitted by the Syrian official delegation which calls for respecting the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of Syria, stressed the impermissibility of relinquishing any part of Syria and the need to reclaim its occupied lands, in addition to preserving state establishments, conforming to democratic and constitutional rules, and rejecting terrorism and extremism




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