by: abd ellah al-baladawi Translation of Artical : Maisoon Al Mosawi
The deteriorating security situation in Iraq now threatens the future of Iraq's land and people and all the hopes that the aspiration to be achieved after the fall of Saddam's regime dead, While building security apparatus of the army and police security and stability is still missing in the Iraqi street, The terrorists knew back in the country from north to south and from east to west of spreading terror among the citizens. That Iraq today faces fierce global terrorist attack, turning to the global war against international terrorism. The area is to settle accounts among States on its own soil. We expect that the coming days may be pregnant with matters that other interest is commensurate with its size and severity. Conflict of international forces in Iraq did not end stages, the earthquake has come and destroys everybody, and can the Iraqi government to rearrange the cards meet the requirements of the next stage. The security situation in Iraq crisis was very much of the Iraqi people suffering because of terrorism and instability. It does not bear the bid to secure political and personal and political gain block at the expense of national interest. Is there enough time to ponder the Iraqi government and all the good face of the political blocs Order for Iraq and the Iraqis? The security situation in Iraq remains disturbed, and was on the decline, and it appears on the horizon an end to this situation, where Iraq driven by bloody crime and terrorism. The cause is due to the following:
(1) increasing growth in the number and strength of the terrorists.
(2) The extent of the violence.
(3) The poor performance of the Iraqi government, particularly the security agencies in combating terrorism.
(4) Conflicts over political bloc's positions and sharing the spoils concern matters of secondary and leaving essential.
(5) The security file is still by the Americans and forces in Iraq have been unable to control terrorism.
(6) The strategy relies on coalition forces in the fight against terrorism will not succeed in defeating terrorism.
(7) The lack of cooperation of the neighboring countries of Iraq to control its borders to prevent the infiltration of terrorists.
- The crimes of the streets and roads of concern and fear over the Iraqi interest in the acts of violence and terrorism. Many Iraqis are afraid to leave their homes to go to work or send their children - especially girls-to school.
If the security file and the file are complex and thorny borne by several quarters, namely:
- Coalition forces.
- Iraqi government. - Neighboring countries.
- Henchmen of the former regime and Altkverein.
- Blocs and political parties.
- Human Iraq.
Coalition forces: that the presence of multinational forces in Iraq is essential to secure peace in Iraq, but at the same time, these troops in itself is part of the problem because fuel sedition. Permission is required to do the following:
- Training and arming security apparatus of the army and police and provide them with equipment and arms highly sophisticated.
- Maintain the border through the construction of border posts is equipped with the latest monitoring devices to detect intruders.
- Cleaning of the city of terrorists.
- The pressure on neighboring countries to control their borders with Iraq.
- Exit coalition forces from the cities to camps outside after cleaning of the terrorists.
- Making an intelligence Ministry linked to the maintenance of security and the Iraqi government.
Iraqi government: that the primary restoration of security and safety to the citizens must do the following:
- Set a timetable for the withdrawal of the multinational forces from Iraq.
- Increased staffing of the police and army doubled or more across and number.
- Develop component of efficient and honest and courageous and has extensive experience at the helm of these devices.
Ex-offenders, murderers, thieves, kidnapping, banditry (Saddam removed them from prison before the war) returning to the prisons.
- Expulsion of Arabs living in Iraq until security.
- Prevention of transmission of training sessions for the army and police to the neighboring countries.
- Prevention of the importation of used cars from Jordan. - The decommissioning of weapons by the people through the purchase prices attractive as occurred earlier in Sadr City.
- Attention to unemployment and create jobs for them because one of the cornerstones of terrorism.
I propose to withdraw three or four meals that did not call for military service since the fall of Saddam and the establishment of a cultural programmer in addition to teaching them military training and the provision of salary and shortening their vacations.
- Gaining clan elders and incarcerate them in the political process through the provision of monthly salaries.
- Deportation of the Ministries of Defense and Interior of partisanship and partisan interventions.
– Develop certain rules to the correspondents of the Arab satellite channels, Islamic and accounting defaulting accounting severe.
Proposed to be employed in satellite channels Iraqis and not to give up and move to other presence in Iraq.
- Establishment of the Commission information related to the Prime Minister by educating people security and safety through satellite channels and media audio, readable and holding symposia and conferences in Iraqi cities, schools, universities, mosques and Hussiyniyas.
- Monitoring and accountability of persons who pose sectarian sedition and prejudices within the emergency law.
- Acceleration in the trial of terrorists and executed just right.
- Encourage people by the security forces to report about terrorists and seized by providing attractive amounts blowers.
- The formation of alliances between the Iraqi government and Iraqi clans and families in dealing with terrorism.
- Strengthening of security information on the sources of terrorist organizations and their infrastructure.
- The government to convince the Sunni Arabs has to hold hopes for the peace process only.
- The distribution of duties between the Ministries of Defense and Interior, to each and every one of them knows his duties.
Suggested that the duties of the Ministry of Defense:
1-maintained roads.
2- They are responsible about keeping exits and entrances to the cities.
3- There must be maintenance border stations. 4-hunt terrorists and raid seized outside cities.
It was suggested that the duties of the Ministry of the Interior:
1-Maintaining city entrances and exits (after the army points at a distance) and the extension of its control over the city in full.
2- there must be cleaning of the city from terrorists.
3-Establish fixed and mobile checkpoints inside the city.
4 vehicles are preventing from access to the city center by putting barriers concerts.
5 - Request to submit a list of hotels and nationality of inmates to the police on a daily basis.
6-Almkhtarih returns to the district and provide an inventory of the district responsible for the police and for every person who comes to a new district or leave.
7-Amanats and municipalities are to inform the police about the excavations in the cities.
8-utilization of modern techniques to detect the crime before they occur, such as cameras installed in the streets, ministries, departments and agencies tapping task.
The duties of officials in the city: there must be cooperation and coordination among the following to fill the gaps which were exploited by the terrorists:
1-governor or district office or the administrator standpoint.
2-Director of police, the judiciary or the preservation area.
3-Commander of the National Guard troops or emergency forces operating with the coalition forces in the cities.
4 - The President of the municipal council in the district or justice or both.
5-suggested that the appointment of the governor and the District Governor and the Superintendent of Police of the district or the judiciary,
the Minister of the Interior, After nominated by the municipal council.
Neighboring countries: the Iraqi government claims neighbors the following:
1-Maintain the border with Iraq and to prevent terrorists from infiltrating into Iraq.
2- If they like, they can open their embassies in Iraq.
3- Henchmen of the former regime delivery who are in its territory to Iraq after the Iraqi government claims.
4- Signed on security agreements with them.
5-supported Iraqi government elected.
Henchmen of the former regime and Altkverein: The government should vigorously fight from house to house and from street to street and the use of force and intensity right and the application of the Terrorism Act strictly right.
The foundations upon which terrorism in Iraq, namely:
- Henchmen of the former regime.
- Unemployment: It is the focal point of unemployment played in helping terrorists to recruit and gain new members, and to use the resistance groups and the threat of intimidation factor with every Iraqi citizen who might be tempted to cooperate with the coalition forces.
- Altkverein arrivals from the outside and the inside. - Holders of record murderers, thieves and criminals.
- Financial support: Iraqi money stolen by Saddam's family and men, as well as from neighboring countries and institutions.
- Satellite channels: The factor Arab satellite channels and the second factor fuelling terrorism seriously in Iraq. special channel Al Jazeera, we have tried many of the Arab satellite channels to play on both sides, Sometimes by terrorists and by the Coalition forces sometimes, with the result that turned out to the satellite channels of information logistical issue of terrorism in Iraq.
The incubator - owned Secretary: terrorists in the western region of Iraq. Blocs and political parties:
- Support assigning elected government.
- Resorting to the government and the law in resolving problems with others.
Exactly-commitment, respect the government and the security services through the non-release of irresponsible statements by some members.
- To provide information on the security presence and the activities of terrorist elements.
- Educate members on the importance of security and how to achieve and maintain it.
Human Iraq : Responsibility for the building, which was destroyed by the Iraqi Human former regime in all respects with the Iraqi government, So we have to develop a programmed of preparing and building human culturally and educationally, morally and spiritually, politically, Even with all the duties and responsibilities of the national media through video, audio and readable. There must be security cooperation by people with the security forces, through reporting about every strange presence in the region or any suspicious movement, or when heard the news of the movement of terrorists.