Buratha News Agency – 08th October 2006
The Association of Moslems Scholars in Iraq (AMSI) lead by Al-Thareei accused their Ex-political partner in the Association, the Islamic party (lead by Al-Hashimei) of treason and crossing the religious and national red lines. The reason of this harsh comments are the party participating the political process since took part the governing counsel created by Mr Paul Braymer. These comments showed publicly the deep differences between the two previous allied.
The shoura counsel of the AMSI listed all their comments and objections in what they call it an “open letter to members of Islamic Party and members of Accord Front and to all politicians in the parliament who meant to serve Iraq” accusing them of sharing the blame and responsibility with the government for the terrible events taking place in Iraq because accepting of being part of it. This lay responsibility on ourselves (AMSI) of keeping on advise you but through a written letter rather than our normal verbal ones directly to your leaders.
Dr Omar Abdalsattar , member of parliament from the Islamic party member commented on this letter contents saying” “ We used to AMSI through accusations on others and this is not new”
The long letter which is only received by the Middle East news paper, had directed it speech to the Islamic party, saying, you were represented in the AMSI from its first days as the goal of the association is to represent our Islamic society by all its components and groups. We relay on you on the political side because you are a political organization with great popularity in addition to your long history in the political arena. We concentrated our efforts in the first few months of the occupation to protect our mosques , educate our followers of the greave danger of the occupation and to content the sectarians disunion which promoted by the occupation in the early moments.
The letter added “ you joined our efforts. Until the black spot in Iraq history caused by formation the governing counsel after the occupation. You surprised us in joining this counsel. We didn’t know that until we saw your ex party leader Dr Abdulhameed on the TV screen entering the green zone to accompanied the other politicians”.
The association added” We started getting worried from your party enthusiasm in participating in the counsel activities. You thought the counsel was the key solution to the Iraqi problem. You had active efforts in legislation of the unpopular temporary country administration law . This terrible law was highly regarded by your ex-leader by saying this law was the best one in the whole area. Your politicians avoided describe the foreign troops as occupation troops.