English news

Reuters’ Reporters have again twisted the facts against the Shia in Iraq.

Buratha News Agency-02 August 2006

A crowded march in Baghdad streets took place on Wednesday to commemorate the third anniversary for the martyrdom of Sayed Mohamed Baqr Al Hakeem, and also to condemn the military operations against the Lebanese people.

This event that took place in the streets of Baghdad was portrayed differently in the report by both Omar al-Ibadi and Michael Georgy for the Reuters Agency.


The following is an extract from their Report on this matter.

“BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Thousands of Shi'ite civilians charged with guarding neighborhoods in Iraq marched through Baghdad on Wednesday to demand an end to the sectarian violence that is ravaging the country.”

- Reuters News Agency

As you can see from the above not only do they twist the truth but they also portray the demonstrators as wild to frighten the other sect (the Sunni’s). 


The report repeated a statement which was heard endlessly by sectarian political parties, who support the terrorists, accusing Badr organisation of running the militia death squads.


Reuters reporters seem to be only interested in the views of those who are against the political process and new changes in Iraq and not the other major parties. This means  a big agency with a 150 years in media and journalism is publishing a politically biased report with unfounded accusations . This cannot be explained from a professional or moral point of view.  It would be more suitable if the facts would remain unbiased or untwisted instead of unfounded accusations.


The Reuter report also concluded that the federalism in south of Iraq means the separation of the shia to deprive the Sunni’s in resource-poor central Iraq from oil revenues.


Which resource-poor central is the report talking about?

Baghdad and Wassit  have oil fields, Najaf ,Kerbala and Baghdad have religious tourism shrines. The report meant poor resource central is Sunni area of Anbar and Tikrit..

This is a clear support message from Reuters to justify the terrorists acts against the majority people of  Iraq who want to robe them from oil revenue supposedly.

   Reuters Agency is fully responsible for any murders and destruction will take place because of this report. Reuters should be more diligent and responsible to stop publishing such provocation for sectarian unrest reports. 

 The link for the Reuters report is:


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