English news

His holiness Sheikh Alsagheer in Friday prayer speech (04 August ) said: All of us now believe without a shadow of a doubts what is called the Shia-Sunni battle is not existent

Buratha News Agency

“The courageous stand of the Lebanese people ingredients facing the Israelis aggression, sends a clear and loud message to the Iraqi people, all villages unified when the enemy shows his ugly face so that you can see no instigation between Sunni or Shia or between Moslem or Christian or Durzi and between orthodox or catholic or Marroni as all of them stand together defending Lebanon soil and integrity.”

“With great sorrow, the Iraqi media which is our media has slipped us in the exaggeration process of the terrorists’ presence. This led the population to believe that the situation is very dangerous and the problem is enormous which means all of us should be prepared and ready to the presence of the terrorists in every part of the country”


“All of us now believe without a shadow of a doubts what is called the Shia-Sunni battle is not existent and is actually a big lie which was made by Baath party to hide and cover it self with”       


“The scenario of the terrorists always repeated in many attacked areas, starts with a sudden attack by large group of terrorists which is contained by either the security forces or by the citizens first then joined by the security forces. Then the terrorists get punished for their wrong doing by the defenders. This matter requires deep analysis from different angles taking into consideration that this war is going on in unbalanced way in my opinion. The security forces succeeded in many occasions despite being under the required level to defeat the terrorists but the terrorists are the ones who are being defeated. The American appears to misinterpret the situation or deliberately not reading it the normal way, are the one who control the security matter and controlling the decision and will of the Iraqi security forces in every details. Despite all of that we can see the terrorists are the ones who are being defeated and our security forces are  patient    ”


 Terrorist always claim that they came to resist the American occupation although the American themselves said the operations and attacks against their troops has been decreased by 50% but there is an increase?


what was the increase and in which average was?

What was increased to many folds is the victims of the Iraqi people, I mean targeting the population of this country.  The ones who targeted a children playing court with explosions, what message are they sending? Can they say Sunnis and Shia? Or can they say resisting the occupation forces? They are innocent children for goodness sake.


Therefore they couldn’t find any excuse other than the sectarian cause and I claim according to my accurate information, almost all the religious fanatics groups are fall into two categories: either Baathist wore the religious fanatic outfit or religious fanatics lead by Baathists.


For simple example, following Almahmoudiya terrorists attack, one leader of the terrorists in the area was arrested who is as usual from Alghorayri family.


 During the presence of Alghorayri in the national guards custody, he received a phone call from a criminal known as Abo Ayisha , who is the Ameer ( leader) of entire area of south of Baghdad i.e Doura, Yousifia, Latiyfia….

Abo Ayisha contacted this terrorist without knowing he is arrested, asking him about their moral and operations. It was found later that Abo Ayisha was a brigadier in Saddam previous intelligence services but now he is a leader of religious fanatics group”

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